Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Favorite Blog To Follow

About a week or so ago, I stumbled across a tweet on Twitter about a personal trainer who purposefully gained wait so he could better sympathize with his clients. Of COURSE this caught my attention and I checked out his site. I was IMMEDIATELY sucked in. Why? Because it only took a few weeks for him to change, and I'm not just talking about his size.

Just reading his blog makes my heart ache and jump at the same time.  It's sad to see how someone is effected by their health, but I was excited to see that it's not just me.  The feelings I get when overweight make be feel so alone.  Know the feeling? The negative habits and self talk can really make a gal nose dive into the dumps. Reading his feelings just validated my own.  When overweight, all the feelings that come with it; physcially, emotional, spiritual as well as every other aspect, are actually symptoms of a lifestyle, not the person.

Just turning my thoughts around, to realize it's not me but the choices I make, the lifestyle I'm choosing to live, makes me feel more in control.  I instantly want to make better choices, to live a different lifestyle, to create a different reality for myself.

On November 5th, Drew Manning is going to be starting his journey back to health and I'm so excited to be able to follow along.  Be sure to check out his site at www.fit2fat2fit.com and his most recent YOUTUBE video. His blog is as insightful as it is entertaining.

GO DREW!! :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Skeleton Lake is out TODAY!

Want to read a chilling book, perfect for Halloween? This would be the book.  It's my dear friend and critique partner, Angela Kulig's first book and it's out TODAY!! 

You can grab it at Barnes & Noble, Amazon and Smashwords for $2.99

Also, head on over to another dear friend's blog: Ali Cross.  You can read Angela's guest post there.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Skeleton Lake

First and foremost, my critique partner, Angela Kulig, has her very first book coming out this week!! I am so incredibly excited and proud of her!!  Want to check out her book? Yes? YAY! Click on the cover and it'll direct you to her blog where you can read the first chapter!  :) 

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm NOT dead, just busy!

I knew it's been awhile since I posted on my blog, but I had no idea until I looked at the date today.


Eek! That's something to be frightened about!

I'll do a quick update--like bullet point quick.

  • School started.
  • Adjusting to different homeschool program.
  • Garden decided to go into full production. (Picking, cooking, picking, cooking, dehydrating, picking, canning, etc.)
  • Time to plant a winter garden (Plant, water, water, plant, water, transplant, water)
  • Organizing and preparing for a new Sunday school year (As president, I'm in charge of this)
  • Adjusting to hubby's new job schedule. (This is a YAY, of course)
  • 3 kids started taking piano lessons. 
  • Boy Scouts (Son is working towards his Eagle & hubby is now the Scoutmaster)  
  • One week into supporting hubby's BIGGEST LOSER challenge at work.
  • Kinda got sucked into Dr. Who on Netflix--and watched every episode of the new series. Yeah, I typically don't watch TV, but I somehow managed to watch 5 seasons of this show in less than a month. It was that good. What? I watched it mostly with the family. ;) The 10th Doctor is the best! 
Oh, I have so much to write about, yet I've had to make a list of priorities and blogging, I'm afraid, isn't high on the list.  I AM trying to go entirely paperless in my life scheduling, which is, ironically, killing me. I'm very much a notebook type of gal, I LOVE sticky notes, but even that system hasn't been the most efficient. (I've kinda run out of room to post sticky notes) 

So, I've uploaded EVERNOTE to my PC and phone and I'm hoping that it and Google Calendar will help me get back on top of life so I have more time for the fun stuff, like blogging and social media.  

Also, have you seen the new iPhone 4S?  Yeah, the ad had me at the jogging guy.  Yeah, I need that. My life needs that.  ;)